The Litness Program

Fitness shouldn't take away from your lifestyle, it should add to it. Gone are the days of restrictive diets which don’t allow you to have a lifestyle; my ethos is something I term LITness, which is the balance of lifestyle and fitness. I want to show you that it doesn’t have to be ‘running on the treadmill and only eating salads,’ you can have lenience with your diet and lifestyle but, you need to play hard and work harder.

Throughout my 17-week program, I will not only help you achieve the body you want, but I will also teach you how you got there so you will never have to buy another program again! There is a way you can live a balanced lifestyle but it involves moderation (#YouCan’tBeMoreLitThanFit), hard work and, most importantly, having the knowledge of how to do it. Don’t worry, I’m going to teach you.

The 17 weeks is split up into 3 different phases and these are available to purchase separately, to make payments more manageable. You should still aim to complete the programs in order though (1 through to 3), because the whole 17 weeks has been periodised. By this I mean it hasn’t just been slung together; there is method behind the madness, as I’m about to explain.

As a quick overview of all the programs, in each session you should expect to spend 60% of your time lifting weights and the other 40% doing conditioning (functional cardio).

Do not be scared off by the lifting weights part - this isn’t just for men, or people wanting to pack on muscle. In fact, most clients say “I want to burn fat and look toned.” Looking toned requires you to have muscle, so when you reduce your body fat you can see the muscle underneath for that toned appearance. Also, when we reduce our calories, in order to burn body fat, we are at risk of burning muscle as well, so it is imperative that we continue to lift weights, to make sure you maintain as much as possible.

This program is also about being functional - doing movements that will benefit your everyday life, so by adding weights into your weekly routine, you will be protecting yourself day-to-day.

Below I have explained each of the training programs, but that is only a small portion of how we make changes to our bodies. The gym provides the stimulus, in the hour that we are there, but it’s what we do outside of that (eat, sleep, recovery) which will really make the difference. With that in mind, I strongly suggest you also purchase the meal plan and the tailored calories document to support the meal plan. These documents further explain everything from a nutritional aspect, as well as giving you 51 recipes and lots of snack ideas which are tailored to your goal. This will further give you an idea of portion sizes and the different split of macronutrients you need to be eating to achieve your goal and feel energised. you can check these out by clicking here.

All of the training programs follow the same training split of Push/Pull/Legs + conditioning.

Push = chest, shoulders and triceps.

Pull = back and biceps

Legs = quads, hamstrings, gluten and calves.

Phase 1 (5 week program)

Phase 1 strips everything back to the foundations, with the aim to ‘master the basics,’ before moving on to Phase 2. This applies to both fitness and nutrition. You will learn the basics of calories and you will be introduced to weights in the form of compound lifts - these should form the backbone of any good gym program and, once you’ve got the hang of these, you will be well set to go and tackle other movements.

This phase has an emphasis on strength. I want to change your mindset from aesthetics to tangible goals. The aim will be to lift heavier, with the correct form, every time you go into the gym, instead of worrying about the way you look or the weight on the scales.

So this is appropriate for everyone, of any ability:

- If you’re new to lifting you can learn correctly, from the beginning.

- If you’ve had a bit of time out it can be a refresher and a check in to see if you’re lifting correctly.

- And if you’re a competent gym goer, it can add structure and accountability to motivate you in the gym.

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Phase 2 (4 week program)

If the key words for Phase 1 are ‘master the basics’ and ‘strength,’ Phase 2 can be described as ‘get a pump on’ and ‘volume.’

There are 3 ways to build muscle: mechanical tension (lifting heavy like you were in Phase 1), metabolic stress (high volume, as you will see in this phase) and then muscle damage (which we’ll go on to talk about in Phase 3).

This is a 4 week program which will see you doing supersets, which are back to back exercises, targeting the same muscle groups, in order to create that metabolic stress. You can expect higher reps with minimal rest, combined with intense conditioning circuits.

This phase is a step up from phase 1, from a fitness perspective, testing your cardiovascular system as well as your muscles.

Similarly to Phase 1, you will be splitting your session in two: weights and conditioning.

There are brand new conditioning circuits for you to try so your training doesn’t go stagnant.

Changing the training style from strength to volume will target different muscles fibres for maximal, all round, progression.

Phase 3 (8 week program)

Phase 3 looks to set you up for continual progression and is an amalgamation of Phases 1 and 2.

It takes the strength stuff you learnt and mastered in Phase 1 and mixes it with the volume from Phase 2, as well as adding in unilateral movements.

Unilateral movements are those produced using one limb, independently of the other, and there are multiple benefits to this type of training, including promoting balance to reduce the risk of injury.

Again, if I were to describe this phase of training I would say, it is ‘functional’ workouts, concentrating on moving well and building a strong and robust body, ready for anything.

This is the type of training I do on a weekly basis as it is a great mix of strength, volume and stamina.

At the end of this program you will also be given a link to a hidden part of my website, which will enable you to download a ‘Litness Legends Bible,’ which summarises everything you have learnt over the course of the 17 weeks and gives you ideas for how to continue.